Almost done. Worker set up electric heating boiler at home bathroom

Top 5 Common Causes of Water Heater Problems

Constant hot water to our homes is a modern miracle that allows us to bathe comfortably, wash our clothes and enjoy a steaming hot shower. However, these heating systems are sensitive and can become compromised for a variety of reasons. We’d like to shed some light on the most common problems that your water heater may have.

Here are the top 5 causes behind water heater problems.

Not Enough Cold Water Pressure

Hot water pressure systems work by first heating the water and then pushing the hot water through your home’s pipes with cold water from outside. If you find that your hot water is coming out weaker than usual, then there may be a problem with your home’s external plumbing or water pressure regulator valve.

Malfunctioning Thermostat

Your water heater’s thermostat is what determines how hot or cold your water should be. If you find your water is coming through colder than usual, then your thermostat may be acting up. Start by double-checking if the thermostat is set to your desired temperature. If you have reset it and you’re still finding problems, you may need to have it replaced.

Sediment Build-Up

Because water heaters rely on outside water lines, sediment can enter the system and build up in your water tank, leading to dirt in your water or inconsistent temperatures. Be sure to flush your water heater multiple times a year to remove any sediment build-up and keep your water warm and clean.

Too Much Demand

Water heaters are designed to keep up with your family’s demands, whether it’s washing dishes, running baths, or other household tasks. However, too much water use can cause a loss of heat and a weaker flow. Solve this problem by either creating a usage schedule for your family members or invest in a tankless water heater that heats water as you need it.

Age of Anti-Rusting Parts

Rusty water is a hazard for any homeowner, and that’s why water heaters contain an anode rod to protect the tank from rusting. What most people don’t realize though is that an anode rode needs to be changed every 4-5 years to prevent rust buildup. Neglecting to do this can lead to your tank terminally rusting and failing.

Water heaters are complex, and our team is here to ensure that yours brings the heat, even through the coldest months of the year! Find out more about your home water health by calling Goff Heating/Air Conditioning & Plumbing today at (903) 838-6923 or visit our website for more home heating facts and tips.